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Hi! Here’s some things about me:

I am a facilitator, experimenter, curator, director, producer, and organizer based in the San Francisco Bay Area.

I work to practice curiosity and joy at the intersection of cultural strategy + systems change + just transition + solidarity economies. Read more about my work on my resume page.

Sure-fire topics to get me excited:



I commit to supporting organizational and personal art-making practices that reflect my values, which are grounded in anti-racism work & creating cultures of accountability and consent.

I aspire to tell stories onstage in ways that harness the power of the community’s presence in specific and intentional ways.

I believe in the transformative power of sharing space, of centering marginalized perspectives, of asking questions, and of listening deeply and with humility.

In all aspects of my work, I strive to create environments that allow people to bring their full selves to a common moment, particularly people prevented from doing so by dominant structures.

I work to recognize and disrupt normative systems of oppression- especially systems that I directly benefit from.

From my structural position as a white, cis-female, non-disabled person with class privilege, I commit to practicing education, organization, contribution, intervention and divestment* in solidarity with Black and Indigenous liberation movements.

*This language was created by Community Ready Corps to offer white people 5 Methods to divest & weaponize white power and privilege.


Land Acknowledgement

I live and work in occupied Huchiun, part of the Confederated Villages of Lisjan and the traditional lands of the Chochenyo-speaking Ohlone people, who are still here. I acknowledge the ongoing colonial violence, genocide, and erasure of the original people of this place, of which I am a beneficiary as a settler here. If you are also a settler on Lisjan Ohlone land (known today as Berkeley, Oakland, Alameda, Piedmont, and Albany, CA), consider supporting the Sogorea Te Land Trust’s rematriation work and offer your Shuumi land tax.