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Susan B. (staged reading)

by Daphne White

performed at the Peet’s Theater on the set of Culture Clash (Still) in America. Set designer: Christopher Acebo.

Bay Area Women’s Theater Festival, 2020


by Ellen McLaughlin, directed by Shannon Davis

​set consultant: Randy Wong-Westbrooke
lighting design: Miranda Waldron
costume design: Ariel Quenell-Silverstein
sound design and composition: Ella Cooley
stage manager: McKenna Moses

photos by Devlin Shand

Theatre of Yugen, 2019


by Barry Eitel

​set design: Bernadette Flynn
lighting design: Maxx Kurzunski
costume design: Natalie Barshow
props design: Sarabeth Spector
sound design and composition: James Goode
stage manager: Claudio Silva

photos by Ben Iliili

6NewPlays, 2018

white íris (staged reading)

by Linda Girón

photos by Linda Girón

Pianofight ShortLived Festival, 2017